
Statement: NATO’s Eastward Expansion is the Cause of the Crisis Around Ukraine

Tensions between the United States-led North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), the European Union, and Russia have been increasing with a serious risk of war in Ukraine. ​​

The conflict in Ukraine is not new. It is the outcome of an ongoing, decades-long process of NATO expansion. In the early 1990s, the US administration of George HW Bush made repeated assurances that, following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Washington would not seek to extend NATO into Eastern Europe, Central Asia, or the Caucasus. 

“We understand that not only for the Soviet Union but for other European countries as well it is important to have guarantees,” then-US Secretary of State James Baker told Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990. “If the United States keeps its presence in Germany within the framework of NATO, not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction.”

However, since that time, 14 countries have been added to NATO’s membership list, most of them in Eastern Europe. This policy has clearly been provocative, being recognized as such even within “mainstream” US foreign policy circles. As George Kennan, the original architect of US foreign policy in the Cold War, noted: “expanding NATO would be the most fateful error in American policy in the entire post-Cold War era.”

Ukraine holds a particular geostrategic importance, given that it shares a 2,000 kilometre border with Russia. In recent years, US aggression and interference have served to turn Ukraine into a major flashpoint of the new Cold War. In 2019, the US unilaterally withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty of 1987, increasing the likelihood of an arms race.

The conflict in Ukraine also has an economic component. In addition to the US and EU economic sanctions against Russia, the US is threatening to expel Russian financial institutions from the international payment platform SWIFT and to block the operation of the already constructed Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline running from Russia to Germany.

In addition to these state-to-state tensions, within Ukraine, well-armed, explicitly fascist organisations have received official endorsement and recognition within the territory controlled by the Kyiv administration – posing a direct threat to the Russian-speaking population living in the east of the country. 

Ukraine’s entry into NATO would mean the stationing of missiles, potentially with nuclear arms, only a few minutes flight time from Moscow. It is important to remember, that it was precisely this type of threat that the US would not accept and was prepared to risk world war for during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Russian government has made two clear proposals to resolve the crisis: first, that Ukraine never become a member of NATO; and second, that nuclear or advanced conventional weapons never be deployed in Ukraine. To date, the US has rejected these proposals, claiming that the issue at stake is Ukraine’s sovereign right to freely decide its own military alliances. Again, this is pure hypocrisy, as the US refused to accept this argument during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Is there any doubt about how the US would react if a country on its borders joined a military alliance which included Russia or China?

The cause of the crisis around Ukraine is not Russia but the policy of the US. It is evident the US has been putting pressure on a number of European members of NATO to join in these dangerous actions.

The only solution to this dangerous situation is for all sides to adopt a clear position that Ukraine will not become a member of NATO. This can become a starting point for further discussions to de-escalate the situation in the region. If the US and NATO do not cease their aggressive actions, the world will continue to face a very serious threat to peace.

Sign the No Cold War pledge and stand up for peace and cooperation.


No Cold War condemns MI5 witch hunt against Britain’s Chinese heritage community

The recent MI5 warning about Christine Lee “interfering” in British parliamentary politics on behalf of China, given widespread coverage in the British media, in reality represents an escalation of the witch-hunt against members of the Chinese diaspora in the UK and an attempt to intimidate those seeking to promote good relations between Britain and China. 

No evidence has been presented to support the claim that Ms Lee has engaged in illegal activity, no charges have been brought, nor has evidence been presented that she engaged in activity any different than those who attempt to promote good relations between Britain and countries other than China. The facts show that she is being targeted simply for aiming to improve relations between the UK and China. The singling out of Ms Lee is racist and discriminatory, introducing a different standard for people of Chinese heritage compared to those with other backgrounds.

Would a security alert be raised if Ms Lee worked for a pro-US organisation and was promoting positive US-UK relations? Or if she worked for a pro-French organisation and was promoting positive France-UK relations? Or if she worked for a pro-Israeli organisation and was promoting positive Israel-UK relations? The very idea is absurd. Numerous individuals and organisations of different heritages attempt to promote good relations between Britain and other countries. There is no suggestion that Ms Lee was engaged in spying or any similar activity – indeed any such charge is absurd as her efforts to promote good relations between China and Britain was publicly known and officially recognised, as evidenced by her meetings with well-known British political figures. This is exactly the opposite of the activity that would be undertaken by a spy or person engaged in espionage.

The true aim of this “security alert” has two components. First, to try to establish a double standard which deems it okay to promote good relations between Britain and some countries (e.g., the US, France, Israel) but impermissible to promote good relations between Britain and other countries such as China. Second, to whip up apprehension, discriminatory attitudes, and racism against the “yellow peril” of China.

The esteemed US historian Gerald Horne rightly wrote that the Red Scare of the 1950s was the “handmaiden of the Cold War.” Today, this reds-under-the-beds narrative has been updated to target the Chinese community in Britain, the US, Australia, and elsewhere. This fear-mongering is used to justify the West’s New Cold War against China and repress those who oppose this reckless, hostile policy. This is a very dangerous and undemocratic road to travel.





如果李女士為親美組織工作並促進積極的美英關係,或者如果她為一個親法組織工作 並促進積極的法英關係,再或者如果她為一個親以色列的組織工作並且正在促進積極 的以色列-英國關係,軍情五處是否會發出安全警報?整個事件的想法很荒謬。許多不 同種族的個人和組織試圖促進其所屬國和英國之間的良好關係。沒有跡象表明李女士 從事間諜活動或任何類似活動——事實上,任何此類對李女士的指控都是荒謬的。因 為她為促進中英友好關係所做的努力已廣為人知並得到官方認可,她與英國著名政治 人物的會面也證明了這一點。這與間諜或從事間諜活動的人所從事的活動完全相反。這個所謂“安全警報”的真正目的有兩個組成部分。一是試圖建立雙重標準,認為促 進英國與一些國家(如美國、法國、以色列)的良好關係是可以的,但不允許促進英 國與中國等其他國家的良好關係。二是煽動對中國“黃禍”的恐懼、歧視和種族主 義。

受人尊敬的美國著名歷史學家杰拉爾德·霍恩(Gerald Horne)正確寫道,五十年代 的紅色恐慌是“冷戰的侍女”。如今,針對英國、美國和澳大利亞和其他地方華人社 區的以所謂床下藏著赤色分子的新版言論,正在發揮同樣的作用,這種散佈恐懼的行 為被用來為西方對中國的新冷戰辯護,並鎮壓那些反對這種毫無底線、敵對政策的 人。這是一條非常危險和不民主之路。

(華萍 翻譯 2022年1月20日)


“拒绝新冷战”(No Cold War)谴责英国军情五处对英国华人社区的政治迫害

英国媒体最近广泛报道了军情五处关于对华裔律师李贞驹(Christine Lee)所谓代表中国“干涉”英国议会政治的警告,这实际上代表了英国政府迫害在英华人华侨的升级——企图以此恐吓那些寻求促进中英良好关系的人士。



这个所谓“安全警告” 的真正目的有两个组成部分。一是试图建立双重标准,认为促进英国与一些国家(如美国、法国、以色列)的良好关系是可以的,但不允许促进英国与中国等其他国家的良好关系;二是煽动对中国“黄祸”的恐惧、歧视和种族主义。

受人尊敬的美国著名历史学家杰拉尔德·霍恩(Gerald Horne)正确写道,20世纪50年代的红色恐慌是“冷战的侍女”。如今,针对英国、美国和澳大利亚和其他地方华人社区的以所谓床下藏着赤色分子的新版言论,正在发挥同样的作用,这种散布恐惧的行为被用来为西方对中国的新冷战辩护,并镇压那些反对这种毫无底线、敌对政策的人。这种反民主的行为非常危险!

(华萍 翻译于2022年1月20日)


Rosa Luxemburg Conference: Hands Off Russia and China!

Rosa Luxemburg Conference 2022
War and corpses – the last hope of the rich

Saturday 8th January
10.30am – 8.00pm Central European Time

The Rosa Luxemburg Conference is organised by the German daily newspaper ‘Junge Welt’ and supported by trade unions, left media and organisations.

No Cold War is proud to support the Conference.

The Conference will be streamed live in German, Spanish and English.

For further details click here.

You can read the programme for the Conference here.

Speakers include:

Rosario del Pilar Pentón Díaz, A Deputy of the National Assembly of Popular Power (the parliament of the Republic of Cuba)

Juan Ramón Quintana, Minister of the Presidency in the three governments of Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales.

Dmitri G. Novikov, Vice Chairman of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Jeremy Corbyn, Member of the British Parliament and former leader of the Labour Party

Rania Khalek, Lebanese-US journalist and political activist based in the Middle East


No Cold War Britain statement on Biden’s Summit for Democracy

Read below the latest statement from No Cold War Britain condemning Britain’s participation in US President Joe Biden’s so-called ‘Summit for Democracy’ taking place 9-10th December 2021.

The facts show the so-called Summit for Democracy called by the Biden administration on December 9-10 is in reality just the latest cold war initiative of the US administration. This summit, which aims to get other countries across the world to join in with Washington’s attack on China in the name of promoting “respect for human rights,” will be attended by Britain.

The facts show that US administrations, far from upholding democracy internationally, have a record of systematic violations of it. No other country approaches the US in a record of invading other states, support for anti-democratic coups and other forms of aggression against countries including unilateral economic sanctions.

It is sufficient to mention only the invasion of Iraq, the bombing of Libya, the coup against Allende, the decades-long economic embargo against Cuba in defiance of almost unanimous votes in the United Nations, to see that the claim by the US that its policies are motivated by “democracy” is false.

US foreign policy demands that countries subordinate themselves to the US. The US will support any country which subordinates itself to Washington, including those that have no form of democracy whatever such as Saudi Arabia.

It is particularly ludicrous and hypocritical for Britain to join a summit aiming to lecture China about “human rights” and “democracy” when Britain ruled as a colonial power in Hong Kong for more than 150 years.

From 1840, Britain waged two “opium wars” against China, forcing heroin onto millions of Chinese people at gunpoint over several decades. During the First Opium War, Britain occupied and colonised Hong Kong, which remained under British rule from 1841 to 1997. During the more than 150 years of British rule Britain never allowed an election of the Governor General of Hong Kong in any form.

During the Second Opium War, 3,500 British troops destroyed China’s Old Summer Palace in Beijing, burning the palace to the ground and stealing much of its contents. Many artworks from the palace, including sculptures, porcelain, jade and gold objects, are today kept in the British Museum in London.

Such foreign policy crimes have unfortunately continued into the 21st century. Over the past 20 years Britain has participated in the US’s War on Terror which has resulted in millions of people being killed, injured and displaced in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

The real focus of British foreign policy today, following the defeat of the US and its allies in Afghanistan, is to follow the US in its new cold war against China. This has included the sending of Britain’s largest ever aircraft carrier to the South China Sea and joining the new AUKUS military pact alongside the US and Australia aimed against China.

Britain is in no position to lecture China about “human rights” or “democracy.” The truth is that, in joining in with the US’s cold war attacks on China, Britain is pursuing a dangerous course that threatens world peace, stability and prosperity.

Instead of these attempts to create false divisions internationally as the US is aiming to achieve with its Summit for Democracy, the real struggle to advance human rights requires global co-operation to tackle shared threats facing humanity, including climate change, the pandemic, the economic crisis and averting nuclear-weapon proliferation.

The new cold war on China is a dangerous development, carrying the present and clear threat that this confrontation could lead to hot wars or even nuclear war, which therefore poses a great threat to human rights.


Say No To AUKUS: International Day of Action

No AUKUS Pact! No New Cold War!
International Day of Action – Saturday 11 December 2021

Peace movements in Britain, Australia and the US are organising an International Day of Action to draw public attention to the new AUKUS military pact between Britain, the US and Australia.

The deal will give Australia nuclear-powered submarines – the first non-nuclear state to get them. This is a dangerous escalation in the West’s on-going confrontation with China that risks nuclear proliferation and breaches the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

The organisers of the International Day of Action are encouraging local actions to raise awareness about this new threat to world peace and would like to see activists across the globe condemn the anti-China military pact on social media using the hashtags #NoToAKUS and #StopAUKUS.

No Cold War is supporting the International Day of Action against AUKUS. For further details contact CND


Die Welt braucht Klimakooperation, keinen neuen kalten Krieg

Auf der Klimakonferenz COP26 ist es leider nicht gelungen, einen neuen Weg für die Menschheit einzuschlagen, um eine Klimakatastrophe zu vermeiden. Die UN-Wissenschaftler halten es für notwendig, die globale Erwärmung auf unter 1,5 Grad Celsius zu begrenzen – doch selbst wenn alle Zusagen der COP26 umgesetzt werden würden, wäre die Welt immer noch auf dem Weg zu einer Erwärmung von 2,4 Grad bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts.

Die Premierministerin von Barbados, Mia Mottley, wies darauf hin, was für die Menschheit auf dem Spiel steht – insbesondere für den globalen Süden, in dem die Mehrheit der Weltbevölkerung lebt –, sollte sich der derzeitige Kurs der globalen Erwärmung fortsetzen:

“Für diejenigen, die Augen haben, um zu sehen, diejenigen, die Ohren haben, um zu hören, diejenigen, die ein Herz haben, um zu fühlen, sind 1,5 (Grad) das, was wir brauchen, um zu überleben (…), die Welt braucht unser Handeln jetzt, nicht im nächsten Jahr, nicht im nächsten Jahrzehnt.”

Die COP26 wurde weithin als »Greenwashingfestival des globalen Nordens« kritisiert, da die wohlhabenden, »entwickelten« Nationen versuchten, ihre Verantwortung für die Klimakrise auf den globalen Süden abzuwälzen, wobei insbesondere China und Indien im Visier standen. Dieser Versuch, die Schuld abzuschieben, ist nicht nur zynisch und beleidigend, sondern auch völlig falsch. Der globale Norden ist in überwältigender Weise für die Klimakrise verantwortlich, da er 92 Prozent der CO2-Emissionen, die die Aufnahmefähigkeit der Erde überschreiten, produziert hat.

Unterdessen versuchten die USA, die COP26 zu nutzen, um ihren neuen kalten Krieg voranzutreiben, indem Präsident Biden China vorwarf, zwar eine Führungsrolle zu beanspruchen, aber dann einfach nicht auf dem Gipfel »aufzutauchen«. Tatsächlich haben die USA bis heute mehr CO2-Emissionen verursacht als jedes andere Land und stoßen weiterhin viel mehr CO2 pro Person aus als jedes andere große Land. Im Jahr 2020 emittierten die USA 14 Tonnen CO2 pro Person – fast doppelt soviel wie China, das 7,4 Tonnen pro Person ausstieß, und fast achtmal soviel wie Indien, das 1,8 Tonnen pro Person ausstieß.

Der Ansatz des kalten Krieges in den internationalen Beziehungen der USA ist ein ernsthaftes Hindernis für die Lösung der Klimakrise. Der Jahreshaushalt des US-Militärs – des weltweit größten institutionellen Verursachers von Umweltverschmutzung – hat inzwischen die Marke von 750 Milliarden US-Dollar pro Jahr überschritten, angetrieben durch Washingtons militärische Aufrüstung gegen China. Unterdessen hat Präsident Biden in seinem Plan »Build Back Better« für das nächste Jahrzehnt nur 555 Milliarden US-Dollar für Klimaausgaben vorgeschlagen. Anstatt riesige Ressourcen für Militarismus und einen gefährlichen neuen kalten Krieg gegen China zu verschwenden, sollten die USA diese in die Finanzierung eines grünen Wandels in den USA umleiten und ihren Verpflichtungen zur Klimafinanzierung und Wiedergutmachung für die »Entwicklungsländer« nachkommen.

Nichtsdestotrotz bietet die Ankündigung einer Gemeinsamen Erklärung der USA und Chinas über die Verstärkung des Klimaschutzes in den 2020er Jahren eine potentielle Grundlage für die Erörterung und den Aufbau von Schritten zur Verstärkung des Klimaschutzes und der globalen Zusammenarbeit im nächsten Jahrzehnt. Die Einrichtung einer US-amerikanisch-chinesischen Arbeitsgruppe ist ein begrüßenswerter Schritt nach vorn, und sie sollte im Rahmen der UNO arbeiten. Diese Vereinbarung zwischen den USA und China kann nicht früh genug kommen.

Die in der Gemeinsamen Erklärung enthaltene Verpflichtung der beiden größten Volkswirtschaften der Welt, »verstärkte Klimaschutzmaßnahmen zu ergreifen, die in den 2020er Jahren im Rahmen des Pariser Abkommens ehrgeiziger werden«, mit dem Ziel, »den globalen durchschnittlichen Temperaturanstieg auf deutlich unter zwei Grad Celsius zu begrenzen und die Anstrengungen zur Begrenzung auf 1,5 Grad fortzusetzen«, ist sehr zu begrüßen.

Die Bedeutung, die die Gemeinsame Erklärung den »entwickelten« Ländern – die in der Vergangenheit am meisten zu den Kohlenstoffemissionen beigetragen haben – beimisst, damit sie ihre versäumte Zusage von 100 Milliarden US-Dollar pro Jahr für die Klimafinanzierung der »Entwicklungsländer« dringend einhalten, ist ebenfalls zu begrüßen. Darüber hinaus stellen wir fest, dass für die Anpassung an den Klimawandel und die Abschwächung des Klimawandels nicht nur weitaus mehr Finanzmittel benötigt werden, sondern auch den Ländern des globalen Südens geschuldet sind, die am wenigsten zur Klimakrise beigetragen haben, jedoch die schwersten sozialen, wirtschaftlichen und ökologischen Verluste und Schäden zu tragen haben.

Diese Gemeinsame Erklärung ist zwar nur ein Schritt auf dem Weg zur Erfüllung der allgemeinen Forderung nach strukturellen, wirksamen Klimamaßnahmen, aber sie bietet ein Modell der Zusammenarbeit, auf dem aufgebaut werden kann, um die dringenden Probleme der Menschheit anzugehen, darunter die Pandemie, die globale Armut und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Die Welt braucht globale Zusammenarbeit und keinen neuen kalten Krieg.


Después de la COP26: El mundo necesita cooperación climática, no una nueva Guerra Fría

Lamentablemente, la COP26 no logró establecer una nueva ruta para la humanidad que evite una catástrofe climática. La comunidad científica de las Naciones Unidas considera necesario limitar el calentamiento global por debajo de 1,5 °C; sin embargo, incluso si se aplicaran todas las promesas de la COP 26, el mundo alcanzaría los 2,4 °C de calentamiento a finales de siglo. 

La Primera Ministra de Barbados, Mia Mottley, destacó lo que está en juego para la humanidad —en particular para el Sur Global, que alberga a la mayoría del mundo— si continúa la trayectoria actual del calentamiento global: 

Para quienes tienen ojos para ver, para quienes tienen oídos para escuchar, para quienes tienen corazón para sentir, 1,5 [°C] es lo que necesitamos para sobrevivir […] el mundo necesita nuestra acción ahora, no en el próximo año, no en la próxima década.

La COP26 ha sido ampliamente criticada como un “festival de greenwashing (maquillaje verde) del Norte Global”, ya que las naciones ricas y “desarrolladas” intentaron trasladar su responsabilidad sobre la crisis climática al Sur Global, apuntando a China e India en particular. Este esfuerzo por trasladar la culpa no sólo es cínico y ofensivo, sino totalmente falso. El Norte Global es el mayor responsable de la crisis climática, al haber producido el 92% de las emisiones de CO2 por encima de los límites planetarios seguros para la humanidad. 

Mientras tanto, Estados Unidos intentó utilizar la COP26 para avanzar en su nueva Guerra Fría, con el presidente Biden criticando a China por “no estar presente” en el tema. De hecho, Estados Unidos ha producido más emisiones de CO2 que cualquier otro país hasta la fecha y sigue emitiendo mucho más CO2 por persona que cualquier otro de los principales países. En 2020, Estados Unidos emitió 14 toneladas de CO2 por persona, casi el doble que China, con 7,4 toneladas, y casi ocho veces más que la India con 1,8 toneladas.

El modelo de Guerra Fría que Estados Unidos plantea en las relaciones internacionales es un grave obstáculo para resolver la crisis climática. El presupuesto anual del ejército estadounidense —la institución más contaminante del mundo— ha superado ya los 750.000 millones de dólares al año, motivado por el despliegue militar de Washington contra China. Mientras tanto, el plan “Build Back Better” (Reconstruir mejor) del presidente Biden sólo ha propuesto un gasto de hasta 555.000 millones de dólares para el cambio climático durante la próxima década. En lugar de malgastar estos inmensos recursos en un despliegue militar y en una nueva y peligrosa Guerra Fría contra China, Estados Unidos debería redirigirlos hacia la financiación de una transición ecológica en el país y cumplir con sus obligaciones de proporcionar financiación climática y reparaciones a los países “en desarrollo”.

​​A pesar de ello, el anuncio de la Declaración Conjunta de Glasgow EE. UU-China sobre el Fortalecimiento de la Acción Climática en la década de 2020 proporciona una posible base para debatir y dar pasos hacia el aumento de la acción climática y la cooperación global durante la próxima década. La creación de un grupo de trabajo entre EE.UU. y China es un paso adelante que se agradece y que debería funcionar dentro del marco de la ONU. Este acuerdo entre EE.UU. y China es urgente y necesario. 

El compromiso de la Declaración Conjunta de “tomar medidas climáticas reforzadas y ambiciosas para la década de 2020 en el contexto del Acuerdo de París” con el objetivo de “mantener el aumento de la temperatura media mundial muy por debajo de los 2 °C y proseguir los esfuerzos para limitarlo a 1,5 °C”, entre las dos mayores economías del mundo es muy bienvenido. 

La importancia que la Declaración Conjunta otorga a los países “desarrollados”  —que históricamente han contribuido con la mayor parte de las emisiones de carbono— para que cumplan urgentemente su promesa pendiente de 100.000 millones de dólares al año en financiación climática para los países “en desarrollo” también es bienvenida. Además, observamos que, para posibilitar la adaptación y la mitigación del cambio climático, no sólo se necesita una financiación mucho mayor, sino que se trata de una deuda histórica con los países del Sur Global, que son los que menos han contribuido a la crisis climática y, sin embargo, están sufriendo las pérdidas y los daños sociales, económicos y ecológicos más graves.

Aunque esta Declaración Conjunta no es más que un paso para satisfacer la amplia demanda de una acción climática estructural y decisiva, ofrece un modelo de colaboración que puede servir de base para abordar los problemas urgentes a los que se enfrenta la humanidad, como la pandemia, la pobreza mundial y el desarrollo económico. 

El mundo necesita cooperación global, no una nueva Guerra Fría.


After COP26: The world needs climate cooperation, not a new Cold War

The COP26 regrettably failed to make the breakthrough towards establishing a new pathway for humanity that avoids a climate catastrophe. The UN scientific community considers it necessary to limit global warming below 1.5°C — however, even if all COP26 pledges were implemented, the world would still be on course for 2.4 °C of warming by the end of the century. 

The Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley, outlined the stakes for humanity — particularly for the Global South, home to the world’s majority — should the current trajectory of global warming continue: 

For those who have eyes to see, those who have ears to listen, those who have a heart to feel, 1.5 [°C] is what we need to survive […] the world needs our action now, not in the next year, not in the next decade.

The COP26 has been widely criticised as a ‘Global North greenwashing festival,’ as wealthy, ‘developed’ nations attempted to offload their responsibility for the climate crisis onto the Global South, targeting China and India in particular. This effort to shift blame is not only cynical and offensive but wholly false. The Global North is overwhelmingly responsible for the climate crisis, having produced 92% of CO2 emissions above the safe planetary boundary. 

Meanwhile, the US attempted to use the COP26 to advance its new Cold War, with President Biden slamming China for ‘not showing up’ on the issue. In fact, the US has produced more CO2 emissions than any other country to date and continues to emit much more CO2 per person than any other major country. In 2020, the US emitted 14 tons of CO2 per person – nearly double the amount of China, which emitted 7.4 tons per person, and almost eight times the amount of India, which emitted 1.8 tons per person.

The US’s Cold War approach to international relations is a serious obstacle to solving the climate crisis. The annual budget of the US military — the world’s largest institutional polluter — has now surpassed US$750 billion per year, driven by Washington’s military build-up against China. Meanwhile, over the next decade, President Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ plan has only proposed up to US$555 billion in climate spending. Instead of wasting huge resources on militarism and a dangerous new Cold War against China, the US should redirect them towards funding a green transition in the US and meet its obligations to provide climate finance and reparations for ‘developing’ countries. 

Despite this, the announcement of a US-China Joint Glasgow Declaration on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s does provide a potential basis for discussing and building steps towards an increase in climate action and global cooperation in the next decade. The establishment of a US-China Working Group is a welcome step forward and should work within the UN framework. This agreement between the US and China could not come soon enough. 

The Joint Declaration’s commitment to ‘taking enhanced climate actions that raise ambition in the 2020s in the context of the Paris Agreement’ with the aim ‘to hold the global average temperature increase to well below 2°C and to pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C’, between the world’s two largest economies is very welcome. 

The importance that the Joint Declaration places upon ‘developed’ countries — which have historically contributed the most carbon emissions — to urgently meet their missed pledge of US$100 billion per year in climate finance to ‘developing’ countries is also welcome. Further, we note that, in order to enable climate adaptation and mitigation, far more funding is not only needed but historically owed to nations of the Global South — which have done the least to cause the climate crisis, yet are experiencing its most severe social, economic, and ecological losses and damages.

Though this Joint Declaration is but one stride towards meeting the larger demand for structural, impactful climate action, it provides a model of collaboration that can be built upon to address the pressing issues facing humanity including the pandemic, global poverty and economic development. 

The world needs global cooperation, not a new Cold War.